'I Love Doing Dishes' is an Advertising campaign created for the brand Finish, by ad agency Wieden + Kennedy.
Together with our team, we Built and Set Decorated14 kitchens at Black Island Studios in West London (alarmingly a week before Christmas!)
Thankfully the delivery angels were on our side and we were able to place and take next-day delivery of 14 Dishwashers and the worlds quantity of Crockery and Cutlery to dress our sets with.
The vision of our Designer was such that each Kitchen should have a distinctive look and feel based on different themes from countries around the world.
It was important to me to present a variety of textures to decorate with. Plastics, ceramics, glassware and wooden items litter the sets and pile high as the treatment requested of us. This Ad featured underwater elements and a few changeover sets were struck and rebuilt. We also had another stage dedicated to our sprawling prop storage as we made use of over 2000 pieces of crockery and endless trestle tables of hand-selected cutlery and accessories!
With thousands of smalls to source and dress on a tight schedule, the Commercial picked up a load of industry Awards and rightly so.